2024 KSA: Reading - 23% Proficient, 10% Distinguished; Math - 21% Proficient, 8% Distinguished
2024 KSA: Reading - 23% Proficient, 10% Distinguished; Math - 21% Proficient, 8% Distinguished
Links and Information to support parent Engagement
Links and Information to support parent Engagement
Utilize these links to support your middle school experience or connect with supports and services provided by Westport, JCPS, or the community.
Utilize these links to support your middle school experience or connect with supports and services provided by Westport, JCPS, or the community.
If you or your family may need assistance in relation to basic services such as clothing, school supplies, food support, housing assistance, or other community services use this link to connect with our Youth Service Center Coordinator - Mr. Joe Carter.
If you or your family may need assistance in relation to basic services such as clothing, school supplies, food support, housing assistance, or other community services use this link to connect with our Youth Service Center Coordinator - Mr. Joe Carter.
Calendar for 2024-2025 school year.
Calendar for 2024-2025 school year.
Dress code for 2024-2025 school year.
Dress code for 2024-2025 school year.
Westport is a Title I school, and as such works hard to provide additional supports and services to our students. You can learn more about Westport's commitment to our students through our Parent Compact.
Westport is a Title I school, and as such works hard to provide additional supports and services to our students. You can learn more about Westport's commitment to our students through our Parent Compact.
Each grade-level team has a student handbook that outlines student expectations, procedures, and other important information. You can find each team's handbook linked here.
Each grade-level team has a student handbook that outlines student expectations, procedures, and other important information. You can find each team's handbook linked here.
Use this tool as a way to share any concerns you may have about a student's well-being, safety concern, or bullying concern.
Use this tool as a way to share any concerns you may have about a student's well-being, safety concern, or bullying concern.
Learn more about Westport's library, connect with virtual book guides or book groups, access ebooks, and more!
Learn more about Westport's library, connect with virtual book guides or book groups, access ebooks, and more!
Use this website as a resource for students and families, as well as request appointments with one of our fantastic counselors.
Use this website as a resource for students and families, as well as request appointments with one of our fantastic counselors.
Use this site as a support for any families that are supporting a student where English is not their primary language.
Use this site as a support for any families that are supporting a student where English is not their primary language.
Here is a link to fundamental supplies students will need to be successful during the school year.
Here is a link to fundamental supplies students will need to be successful during the school year.
Find out which bus your student will ride, along with pick-up and drop-off times.
Find out which bus your student will ride, along with pick-up and drop-off times.
Westport has an independent PTA that partners with our school to support our students and staff. If you would like to connect with our PTA to become a member, volunteer, or provide support, please reach out to our current president, Laura Bernstein.
Westport has an independent PTA that partners with our school to support our students and staff. If you would like to connect with our PTA to become a member, volunteer, or provide support, please reach out to our current president, Laura Bernstein.
Westport utilizes an improvement planning protocol that guides our work throughout the school year. Here is our improvement plan with accompanying goals and strategies.
Westport utilizes an improvement planning protocol that guides our work throughout the school year. Here is our improvement plan with accompanying goals and strategies.
Use the link above to access Westport's school report card from the Kentucky Department of Education.
Use the link above to access Westport's school report card from the Kentucky Department of Education.