2024 KSA: Reading - 23% Proficient, 10% Distinguished; Math - 21% Proficient, 8% Distinguished
Team Information & Staff Email
Call our main office at 502-485-8346
Assistant Principals
School Counselors
Blue Jays
8th Grade Teams
6th-8th Grade Teams
Yarah Boschetti, Healthcare Science
Sam Daniel, Business & Communications
Christie Darlage, Business & Communications
Rachel Frydlewicz, Business & Communications
Jeremy Gast, Engineering & Design
Russell Hoon, Engineering & Design
Erin James, Healthcare Science
Nathan Sells, Engineering & Design
Azaria Battle, PE
Kaitlin Callihan, Band
Jeff Duncan, PE
Kellie Garner, Math
Stephanie Laun, Orchestra
Wesley Mayes, African-American History
Ross McNary, Art
Cindy Rosenbluh, Art
Staff & Student Support
Lea Ann Atherton, Library Media Specialist
Annie Beanblossom, ML Coach
Ray Lockwood, Athletic Director
Christi Brooks, Mental Health Practitioner
Elizabeth Canale, Explore Pathways Coach
Joe Carter, Youth Service Center Coordinator
Paige Coffey, Mental Health Practitioner
Ashley Cook, ECE Implementation Coach
Kelly Egan, Vision Specialist
Amanda Elkins, ECE Implementation Coach
Ashley Emig, Psychologist
Alice Gnau, Academic Instructional Coach
Lori Johnson, Vision Specialist
Sharon Klump, Montessori Magnet Coordinator
Jason Murray, Speech Pathologist
Cecilia Omdal, School Administration Manager
Jackie Pi, Building Assessment Coordinator
Terry Pulce, School Safety Administrator
Andrew Schulte, School Technology Coordinator
Anna Tachau, PBIS Coach
Office Staff, Clerks & Security
Jennifer Carrell, Secretary
Kelly Dettlinger, Bookkeeper
Deborah Brutscher, Cafeteria Manager
Christina Cook, Plant Operator
Rachel Burkholder, Attendance Clerk
Nicole Flack, ECE Clerk
Mary Wells, Records Clerk
Elizabeth Williams, YSC/AP Clerk
Instructors & Instructional Assistants
Westport's SBDM Council is responsible for general governance, policy-making, budget development, and staffing consultation, meets the second Monday of every month during the school year. They also meet as needed to address timely topics or issues with special-called meetings throughout the year and over the summer. The following people currently make up Westport's SBDM:
Jodie Zeller, Principal
Alice Gnau, Teacher
Samuel Daniel, Teacher
Caitlyn Workman, Teacher
Wesley Mayes, Teacher
Brendan Hobbs, Parent
Daniele Massey, Parent
Sheryl Day, Parent
Schedule of Meetings for 2023-2024 (Meetings are typically held at 4:00 in the room 118 conference room)
Monday, 8/7/23
Wednesday, 9/20/23
Monday, 10/23/23
Monday, 11/27/23
Monday, 12/18/23
Monday, 1/22/24
Monday, 2/26/24
Monday, 3/25/24
Monday, 4/22/24
Monday, 5/20/24